Forward On

My dreams become my reality, closer and closer.  The main visions from my vision board haven’t happened exactly as I had thought, but they are happening and I am along for the ride and being taken on my journey.  More time, I found, was what the way had for me.  For those who knew my story, what a world of wonder to behold…

I got contracted to do work with a German company for a minimum set time.  I am not the type to enjoy being locked down, but there is interest and challenge here.  I am seeing what I am made of, and to be honest, finding out if I am as smart as I think I am.  You never know how far you can grow unless you play against the greats.  I once again am a mouse among cats, but I am learning and becoming a cat myself.  You never know what you can do unless you let go.

The main reason I hopped on was because it would give me more to funnel to my dream.  And it has.  For the last half year, I have spent nearly half of it traveling, and most of that overseas.  The company opened their doors, and promoted my visions of LEAP, and I was constantly being whisked away to ancient places to film for my projects.  Work, and then the real work.

As a side note, one of the past filming projects I had been working on inspired another fellow to start something big.  Now he is traveling and adventuring, helping others heal through adventure therapy.  He calls me often to let me know that it was because of that project we worked on.  I tell him its the universe that needed it, we just happened to be there and listened.

Listen everyone.  You get what you put out there.  You can only receive what you give.  So give it all.  Every last ounce of your soul to your purpose.

There were point blank snippets of the law written in history.  One of them, more or less, says whoever loses his soul will gain it back in multiples.

The law is real.  I knew it when I was young, and know it now as I am older.  In younger years, I believed in me, regardless of what others believed about me.  It made me stand out against the others.  One person described me as polarizing.  Imagine that.  You cannot polarize yourself, it is something intrinsic to yourself that effects others.  It is others reacting to you.  Good place to be, to be in action, instead of reaction.

The momentum continues.  I bring joy to myself and others, and what I built, others are inspired by.  My two are rock steady in my life.  My creativity is known, and though others are supportive, I function independently.

There is nothing in my way, and nothing in yours either.  Create.